Entry Requirement

Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Non-citizens with a Work Pass or Dependent Pass 

  • At least 17 years of age

  • Attained at least a Pass in the respective subject at the previous course level

  • Not studying in a Government or Government-aided School

  • For Sec 1N to Sec 5N
Level Subject Direct Entry Requirement Alternatives
S1N English Passed English at PSLE or BEST
Module 4
Pre-Course Assessment
for at least 1 subject
indicates suitability
for S1N(A)
S1NMathPassed Math at PSLE or BEST
Module 4
Pre-Course Assessment
for at least 1 subject
indicates suitability
for S1N(A)
S1NScience Passed Science at PSLE Pre-Course Assessment
for at least 1 subject
indicates suitability
for S1N(A)

English Passed English at S1N(A), S1E or WISE Module 1 Pre-Course Assessment (English)
indicates suitability for S2N(A)
S2NMathPassed Math at S1N(A), S1E or 
WISE Module 1
Pre-Course Assessment (Math) indicates suitability for S2N(A)  
S2NScience Passed Science at S1N(A) or S1E Pre-Course Assessment (Science) indicates suitability for S2N(A)
S3N English Passed English at S2N(A), S2E or
WISE Module 2 or GCE N(T)

Pre-Course Assessment (English) indicates suitability for S3N(A)


Attained WPLN Level  3 in Literacy

S3NMath Passed Math at S2N(A), S2E,
WISE Module 2 or GCE N(T)

Pre-Course Assessment (Math) indicates suitability for S3N(A)


Attained WPLN Level  3 in Numeracy

S3NScience (Physics/Chem)Passed Science at S2N(A),  S2E or
Pre-Course Assessment (Science) indicates suitability for S3N(A)
S3NPrinciples of Accounts Passed Math at S2N(A), S2E,
or GCE N(T)
Pre-Course Assessment (Maths) indicates suitability for S3N(A)
S4N or GCE 'N'(A)
English Passed English at S3N(A), S3E or WISE English Module 3

Pre-Course Assessment (English) indicates suitability for S4N(A)
Attained WPLN Level 4 in Literacy

S4N or GCE 'N'(A)
Humanities, Literature & Geography Passed English or the respective subjects at S3N(A), S3E or WISE
English Module 3
Pre-Course Assessment (English) indicates suitability for S4N(A) or
Attained WPLN Level 4 in Literacy
S4N or GCE 'N'(A)
Math Passed Math at S3N(A), S3E or 
WISE Module 3

Pre-Course Assessment (Math)
indicates suitability for S4N(A)
Attained WPLN Level 4 in Numeracy 

S4N or GCE 'N'(A)
Science (Phy/Chem) Passed the subject at S3N(A) or S3E Pre-Course Assessment (Science) indicates suitability for S4N(A)
S4N or GCE 'N'(A)
Principles of
Passed the subject at S3N(A) or S3E -
S5N or GCE 'O' Level English Passed English at GCE N(A) or S3E Attained WPLN Level 5 in Literacy
S5N or GCE 'O' LevelHumanities, Literature & Geography
Passed English or the respective subject at GCE N(A) or S3EAttained WPLN Level 5 in Literacy 
S5N or GCE 'O' LevelMath/Additional Math Passed Math at GCE N(A) or S3EAttained WPLN Level 5 in Numeracy 
S5N or GCE 'O' LevelScience (Phy/Chem) Passed the subject at
GCE N(A) or S3E
S5N or GCE 'O' LevelPrinciples of AccountsPassed the subject at GCE N(A) or S3E -
  • For effective learning, please enrol for subjects at levels that best match your ability, i.e., you have passed each subject at its previous level, especially for Mathematics and Science.
  • If you are applying for a Science subject, you must have
    • Passed the subject at the previous level; or 

    • Sat for the subject at the same level applied for

  • If you do not meet the entry requirement for the subject level of choice, please take the respective Pre-Course Assessment (PCA) in English, Mathematics or Science. The computerised PCA is available at the registration centres. Please contact the Customer Service Hotline at 1800-2222 111 to arrange an appointment.  A $10 administrative fee is payable for each attempt of the PCA. You may repeat the PCA for the same subject after a 2-week interval. Our staff at the registration centres will advise you on the most suitable level to register.
  • Apply for each subject only once. If you have signed up for the same subject at different levels, your enrolment at the lower level will be cancelled with no refund of fees.